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YEAH!!!!!! kwakukho omnye umzi ke ekwakuthukwa gqitha kuwo sebeyiqhelile. kwabona nje sebebizana ngeminqundu,omisunu ndibalani na!!!!!.. Hayike umama wakhona wacawa yena ngoku kule cawa yakhe kufuneke kuze umfundisi......... hayke weza ngenye imini......phambi kokuba ezile umama loo uye wayala abantwana ukuba bangathuki ngoba uyeza umfundisi ......kwavunyelwana ke. Umama"yenzani into yokuphunga nina" wayenza ke lomntana . wayigalela kwi coffee mugs wabeka nesosi wayisa.... hayke xa ebenikeza caba umfundisi akayithathi isosi lee nanko ke umsila uphushuruka ........ "kutheni ungayithathi nje isosi?" hay wena mntanam yiyeke ngoba ayo cup lee yi cofee mug.... "okaaay iyaku tshisa khehle unye itea lee umuncu nje" yhoooo wothuka lamama waphendula "yewena msunwakho masende kayihlo nditheni ngokuthuka mqundu... wamangaliseka umfundisi nanko naye ephendula...... rha kuse kunyeni kwalapha kulomzi THIXO WAM NDIXOLELE NAWE NGEKE UNYAMEZELE UKUNYA ENDIKUKO......
5 years untill that girl meta new boyfriend who was so rich soshe broke up le motho wagayeThabang, she told him that they mustmove on with their lives and findnew partners as the girl alreadydid that but the guy (Thabang) said "idont think it will be easy for mecause i really love you Ntombi and ke batlagoba motho wagao till ke tsofala,i think myheart was meant to be yours".Thegirl said [ka pride]"but you know we wontget far with our love cause youare poor and You wont afford to support me asa woman ,buy our ownhouse,cars etc cause u dont havemoney..look Thabang you nolonger my type soplease back off"........Five years later, thatgirl was sick & that new boyfriend of hersdumped her after he found out that the girlwas sick.....The girl was laying on surgerybed........when she took alook she saw her ex-boyfriend [Thabang]standing next to her bed.........as shegoes into the surgery room forheart transplant she says to herex-boyfriend...."forgive me forwhat i did to you,by hurting yourfeelings ne ke dronka ke dilo tsa lefatshe noukaetshola pleas ntshwarele :') ".......Thabang replied with no tears in his eyesjust a smile only and said "dontworry about that just go thereand do your operation"........when the girl woke up at thesurgery....her Thabang wasgone.She asked the nurse "whereis he?".....nurse said:"didnt anyonetold you?"........and the nurse gaveher a letter from him(THABANG).......she opened it........it reads like this "I told u dear thatmy heart is & will always b yours".......THABANGdonated a heart for her....DONT GO FOR WEALTH, EVEN THAT CAN FADEAWAY..LOVE IS NOT ABOUT MONEY BUTSOMETHING YOU FEEL INSIDE THAT ALWAYSMAKES YOU HAPPY
Sponono: Molo ntombi. Busi: Molo nawe.Sponono: Philile?Busi: philile wena?Sponono: Nam ndiyaphila, nguban igamalakho?Busi: Ndingu Busisiwe bhuti.Sponono: Oh... haike mna ndingu Sponono... Eh,Ndiyakuthanda.Busi: Uyandithanda?Sponono: Ewe sisi...uBusi uthathekile nguSporoBusi: (smiling) Uthanda ntoni apha kum ke?Sponono: Eh.... Hay nawe ungazifundela ke,utata akhange ayibhale ke le undibuza yona.khame khendiyombuza ye bhuma intombi
OK, great isn't the article?. Hopefully with article funny xhosa jokes those, the brothers and ladies the problem can be resolved and entertained thanks to discussion this.
All of me, Hopefully discussion about funny xhosa jokes those can be useful for all of you readers. End word. Arigato for everything.